The national and international best of sparkling wines will be introduced at a solo conference. Everything that sparkling wine in style in Etyek. Masterclasses, tastings, interactive lectures and roundtable discussion.
This was the programme of the 2024 sprakling wine conference
Rókusfalvy Birtok
Etyek, Újhegyi street 89.
Rókusfalvy Birtok
Etyek, Újhegyi street 89.
- Dr. Bence Prónay
- Roxer Production
10.00 am
Miklós Panyi dr - Deputy Minister, Parliamentary and Strategic State Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office
Zoltán Tessely - Member of Parliament, Heart of Pannonia Program
János Frittmann - National Council of Mountain Communities, President
10.20 am
Pál Rókusfalvy
Government Commissioner for Wine Marketing
Current sparkling wine consumption trends
Research results of the Hungarian Wine Marketing Agency
10.40 am
Dr. Mária Törőcsik
University of Pécs/ Professor of Marketing
Trends and consumer behavior
Current shopping habits
11.00 am
Péter Tüű
2-Time Hungarian Sommelier Champion, WSG Certified Champagne Expert
Champagne styles related to origin protection
What makes champagne champagne?
12.00 am
1.30 pm
Anne-Wies van Oosten
Wine Journalist and International Wine Academician
From a European point of view about Hungarian champagne
Pre-recorded interview
1.40 pm
László Babarczi
Etyeki Kuria Winery, Managing director
Sparkling wines in etyek, Sparkling wines of Etyek through the ceo's eyes
Product, style, strategy
2.00 pm
László Kalocsai
Mountain Community Council of the Tokaj Wine Region, Vice president
Tokaj Sparkling wine protection of origin
Product, style, strategy
2.20 pm
Márk Egly
Egly Estate and Winery
Sümeg Sparkling Wine and protection of origin
Product, style, strategy
2.40 pm
Péter Gál
AM Department of Oenology, Origin Protection and Agricultural Marketing
Origin protection opportunities from the outside
3.00 pm
4.00 pm
Roundtable discussion
- Tamás Hernyák - Hernyák Estate
- Mihály Lippai - General Manager, Virtu Restaurant
- Dr. Péter Molnár - Chairman, Mountain Community Council of the Tokaj Wine Region
- Krisztián Rozsnyói - Associate Director, Sales and Marketing - Fine Brands Company
Opening: Tamás Zólyomi, Mayor of Etyek
- Guided tasting of Tokaj Protected Sparkling Wines by Péter Tüú
- Informal tasting of Etyek Protected Sparkling Wines
- Informal tasting of the finest Hungarian and foreign protected sparkling wines
Moderator of the conference: Emese Domian, International Wine Academician
2023 Champagne Conference was like this
You can watch more videos of the past years’ Champagne Conferences on our Youtube channel.
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